
Curriculum Provision

Aims and Objectives

Our aim is to foster a life-long love of learning by embedding planning in meaningful contexts. Learning should be irresistible. Our curriculum aims to deliver a Twenty First Century education covering all elements of the 2014 National Curriculum which will equip our children with the skills required to be independent learners. We aim to deliver this by: 

    • Nurturing enthusiasm for teaching and learning:
    • Knowing that learning is fun.
    • Establishing cross-curricular links, contexts for learning to foster a broader and deeper understanding.
    • Where necessary holding a flexible timetabling approach to make space for depth of study.
    • Develop social skills and encourage children to become more active citizens within the school community.
    • Optimising opportunities for speaking and listening.
    • Building up children’s confidence and motivation to learn through the use of a range of learning and teaching styles. By providing opportunities for children to apply knowledge and learning in practical ways.
    • Embedding foundation subjects in engaging contexts for learning
    • Awareness of children’s developmental needs and providing an age appropriate curriculum in our Learning Teams
We encourage and welcome members of our school community and beyond to contribute and enhance children’s learning experiences in and out of the classroom.

Although links can be made with all subjects, other subjects are taught as dedicated, discrete sessions:

    • Numeracy – Maths skills are key to developing everyday skills although links can be made to the curriculum through data handling, position, and measurement, especially in Science, DT and Geography.
    • Aspects of Literacy – Phonics, Guided Reading and Handwriting are taught as discrete subjects as they build up basic skills.
    • RE – in accordance with the school’s RE policy and Bradford Agreed Syllabus although links with topics are made where appropriate.
    • PE and Swimming
    • MFL – French – links are made with contexts for learning where appropriate.


Curriculum Planning/Contexts for Learning

We have incorporated the National Curriculum objectives into our planning. Rigour and progression is ensured through the use of our own curriculum planning booklets which cover National Curriculum objectives for each subject and identify progressive skills for learning.

Long/Medium Term Planning

Long and medium term planning identifies the contexts for learning (themes and the number of weeks for the duration of the theme).The long term plans for each theme identify  the relevant objectives which are highlighted in each year group’s curriculum planning book as the objectives are covered.

Teachers use the objectives and translate them into meaningful activities for the children using the most suitable learning sequence. We record our medium term planning as a learning sequence which incorporates;

    • Formative assessment of children’s understanding using KWL grids whereby children demonstrate ownership of their learning and direction in their learning.
    • How the theme will be introduced (e.g.  a visit film or atefact)
    • Opportunities for trips and visitors
    • What the learning outcome will be –this could be an artefact/museum/book/film etc


Each theme/context for learning is resourced where possible with a box containing an inventory

Leaders of Learning and Coordinators review resource needs annually and order as necessary

We also value visits and visitors and use them where appropriate

Assessment and Recording.

We assess understanding by using statements based on the National Curriculum objectives.

Subject co-ordinators collect evidence (data, photographs, work) from year groups to compile a portfolio that allows them to assess how well their subject is being delivered. This is overseen by the SLT.

Governors are kept informed of developments and priorities through communication between their link classteacher, and where appropriate the subject co-ordinator.

Parents and carers are kept informed of developments, through our Induction Day consultation evenings, end of year reports, and half termly year group newsletters.

Monitoring and Review.

The Head / Deputy and leaders of learning are responsible for monitoring and reviewing the curriculum through;

    • Observation of lessons
    • Scrutiny of Aire Loom books.
    • Pupil interviews
    • Book audits