
Art & Design

Art and Design


At Saltaire Primary School, Art and Design is a valued and significant part of our taught curriculum. We utilise our local area and community in Saltaire as inspiration for art projects and provide the children with a range of creative enrichment opportunities. These include visits to local areas, galleries/exhibitions and the continuous work each year group completes working alongside our Artist in Residence. This provides the children with the experience of understanding first-hand how an artist works, as well as receiving expert guidance on using different skills. 

Art and design lessons allow the children to develop their skills using a range of media and materials, using sketchbooks as a way to plan, reflect, take risks and experiment with their ideas beforehand. The children create art work based on a range of starting points including cross-curricular links, and share their art with others using technical and evaluative vocabulary. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop their own unique styles, expressing mood, emotion and feelings through their art. The children are taught about great artists, craft makers and designers and how art and design reflects and shapes our history, and contributes to the culture of our lives.