
Physical Education

Physical Education

At Saltaire Primary School, we are passionate about and promote the value of Physical Education (PE). We strive to provide a PE curriculum that pupils not only enjoy, but also allows them to experience a range of activities that help them develop their physical, social and emotional wellbeing.

Along with our coaching team, we have developed an engaging and challenging curriculum that allows students to achieve beyond their expectations. We aim to maximise each child’s potential and develop a passion for a sport. We want the children to understand how to keep their minds and bodies healthy and understand why this is important. To develop a real team spirit, which embeds a desire to work hard together to achieve success. We want all children to feel they are a part of a team, believe in their healthy potential and thrive physically, socially and emotionally.

A progression document has been created to show skills from Reception to Year 6. These progression documents have been planned in order to build on the skills needed to meet the end of KS objectives in the National Curriculum. Our long term plan is broad and balanced, allowing children to access a wide variety of high quality PE and sports provision, something the children of Saltaire desire. The long term plan begins by focussing on the fundamental skills and then moving onto skills and activities that can lead to different sports.

Children will be provided with a variety of opportunities and experiences throughout their time at Saltaire, challenging them both inside and outside the classroom. This includes our SPS Champions University offer and many varied extra curricular opportunities.  It is important that our children are given plenty of opportunities to take part in competitive sports throughout the year. These activities build character and help embed values such as fairness and respect. In this way, we promote and live our vision and values.

Our PE curriculum follows the Early Years Framework and the National Curriculum. We also have the opportunity to make meaningful links to other areas of the curriculum.  To support us in delivering our ambitions, we have a resident Kanga Sports Coach who works across the school.  

The national curriculum for PE aims to ensure that all pupils: 

● Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities 

● Are physically active for sustained periods of time 

● Engage in competitive sports and activities 

● Lead healthy and active lives

Mr Nathan Hurtault

Teacher - Earhart Class

Mrs Nikki Littlewood

Teacher - Hockney Class

Miss Ashley Linney

Kanga Sports Coach