Support and services for all families
Early Help - For all families facing difficulties
Call 0800 953 0966 Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 5pm or Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
Parenting programmes - Sign up here to complete parenting programmes e.g Family Links etc
HENRY - Understanding children's behaviour workshop. A FREE 2-hour workshop that will help parents/carers not only understand their child's behavior but develop ways of coping and positive ways to respond. You will also meet other parents/carers who have similar experiences.
Keighley and Shipley Family Hub - A list of clubs, groups and services available in the local Family Hubs
Staying Put Bradford - Domestic violence charity
Getting it right for children - A free online course designed to help separated or separating parents to co-parent effectively
Stronger Relationships courses - online or in-person courses to develop family relationships and reduce conflict for families that co parent and live either together or separate
Common Sense Media - Age based media reviews for families
Sleep Tight Bradford - Parents of children aged 2-11 years across Bradford and Craven districts are invited to have a 15 minute phone call with a qualified Sleep Practitioner to discuss any sleep issues their child may be experiencing or for sleep information guides
Bradford Food Banks - A search tool for all food banks, market and social supermarkets, warm spaces and other support
Emotional and Mental Health Services
Hub of Hope - UK's leading mental health support database.
Anna Freud - Family mental health support
Brew Project - A new and simple concept: A child or young person (aged 5-17) can access a confidential and non-judgmental one-to-one support session with a wellbeing advisor via telephone, video call, face to face or walk-and-talk sessions.
BDC Talking Therapies - A free and confidential NHS service for people aged 16 and over who are registered with a GP in Bradford, Airedale, Wharfdale and Craven , formerly My wellbeing college
Support and services for Free School Meal families
HAF - Holiday activities and food programme
Bradford Leisure Card - The Bradford Leisure Card entitles you to reduced admission for a wide range of leisure activities in Bradford
Support and services for SEND families
Family Fun days at Nell Bank for families of children with a SEND diagnosis
ADHD support groups for adults with ADHD or the parents of children with ADHD, with or without diagnosis
The Families SEND Support Team offers Portage and a range of bespoke programmes and workshops designed to guide, support, and empower families who have children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
Parent forum for Bradford and Airedale - Parents and carers with a child who has a disability or special educational needs in the Bradford district, aged 0-25
EHC Assessment - Parent application
Short Breaks - access to SEN groups and PA payments (previously specialist inclusion project)
DLA payments
BIDS - Subscribe for access to Specialist equipment and information
Carers Resource - support and advice for the adult family members of children with disabilities
Young Carers - Support and advice for young carers
Sendias - Advice and support for SEN needs and disabilities
Aware - subscribe for Autism support and advice and access to the early bird and early bird plus courses
Friends and Family Hub - Thinking Big - The Friends & Family Hubs run by Thinking Big are for Parents, carers and extended family of children and young people with SEND to connect, share information and learn new skills.
Introduction to Down Syndrome training FREE - 17 January
Cerebra - A national charity dedicated to helping children with brain conditions (including ASD/ADHD) and their families discover a better life together. This includes support for sleep and emotional and mental health.
If you are aware of any other self referral support service that you would like me to add please email me on