OPEN DAYS - Tuesday 5th November 2024 9.30-11.30am, Wednesday 6th November 2024 1.30-3.15pm, Monday 11th November 2024 1.30-3.15pm, Thursday 14th November 2024 9.30-11.30am, Tuesday 19th November 2024 9.30-11.30am, Thursday 9th January 2025 9.30-11.30am. PLEASE GO TO OUR OPEN DAY PAGE TO BOOK


The Mathematics Learning Journey

At Saltaire Primary School, we teach mathematics for mastery which encourages the belief that all children can succeed.  We are committed to the purpose of the National Curriculum which aims to ensure that all children:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics

  • Are able to reason mathematically

  • Can use problem solving and apply their mathematical understanding

We make effective use of White Rose schemes of learning and resources with a keen focus on the Ready To Progress Criteria detailed in the DfE and NCETM Guidance (June 2020).  These skills are gained progressively during their learning journey so that by the end of Key Stage Two, our mathematicians are well prepared for the next stage of learning into secondary school and beyond.   We have high aspirations for all of our children, whatever their starting points and promote this through a coherent, progressive, evidence-based curriculum, which encourages children’s curiosity and passion for the subject.  Our curriculum offers rich and meaningful opportunities for children to make links across mathematical concepts and apply knowledge and skills in other subjects, such as science, design and technology, art and humanities.  Our aim is that by making these connections, our children can apply these skills to better understand the world.

It is these principles and aspirations which underpin our professional practice.  Children will experience a daily diet of high quality teaching in small steps to promote working memory and avoid cognitive overload.  Teachers will use research and evidence to ensure the teaching strategies promote the retention of knowledge and skills to long-term memory.  Successful and effective teaching will draw and build on prior understanding and accurate use of assessment and feedback. 

Our teachers and other staff are continuously reflective and use the strategies in our implementation guidance.   Being a teacher a Saltaire Primary School means  aspiring to our collective commitment to ensure that every child who can, achieves at least:

Our robust, consistent and evidence-based curriculum will ensure that children are able to master the key concepts of mathematics with fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills for life.

Mr Chris Evans

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Hannah Shillaker

Teacher - Ellington Class

Miss Emily Walton

Teacher - Fiennes Class